Shape Interp


The Shape->Shape Interp command in the Motion module allows you to set the interpolation type between shapes.



  1. Select an object animated with shape animation.
  2. Choose a Shape->Shape Interp command.


Linear Interp

Linear interpolation means the physical points of the deformed object travels in a linear direction.

Cardinal Interp

Cardinal interpolation calculates keyframes on a curved trajectory.

Weight Interp

Weighted interpolation creates one function curve for each key shape. The term "weighted" comes from the fact that you can adjust the animation to emphasize either of the key shapes, using the FcrvSelect->Shape Weights commands.

The only way to view the effects of additive effects in shape animation is to use the Shape->Weight command. This is because additive effects require the key shapes to be overlapped, since the resulting shape is a combination of the percentage weight between key shapes.


Last updated 02-apr-1998