

The Shape->Patch2Mesh command in the Motion module can be used to convert patches to polygon meshes. This effect is similar to the Effect->Convert command, but can be used on animated patches to obtain an animated duplicate polygon mesh.



  1. Create a patch.
  2. Choose the Shape->Patch2Mesh command in the Motion module.

    The Patch2Mesh dialogue box is displayed.

  3. Follow the instructions in the status line and pick the patch.
  4. Set the Automatic Discontinuity Angle. This is the maximum angle between adjacent faces that appear "smooth" when the resulting polygon mesh is rendered. The default value of 180 corresponds to the totally smooth surface of a nonlinear patch, while 0 matches the faceted appearance of a linear patch.

    Any changes to the shape of the patch is reflected in the new polygon mesh. To edit the discontinuity, reapply this effect.

  5. Click Ok to apply the effect and close the dialogue box.


Last updated 02-apr-1998