Velocities & Accel


The Plot->Velocities & Accel command in the Motion module generates linear and angular velocity and acceleration function curves, recording the motion from the selected objects that have been animated. These function curves are the same ones used by Quick Stretch to create flex, stretch, and yield deformations on a moving object. You can use them to create a Quick Stretch effect, to fine-tune the movement of an object, or use them within an expression.

For example, you may want to have extremely precise control over a moving object. By editing the plotted linear and angular velocity and acceleration function curves, you can avoid sudden changes in velocity of an object, or determine what the maximum acceleration of the object must be to achieve the most realistic results.

You can also use expressions to constrain a parameter to the linear and angular velocity and acceleration function curves.

For more information on Quick Stretch commands, refer to QStretch->Setup. For information on expressions, see Expressions.



  1. Select the animated object.
  2. Choose the Plot->Velocities & Accel command.

    The Plot Confirmation dialogue is displayed:

  3. Enter the start and end frames of the animation, and click Ok.

    The linear and angular velocity and acceleration function curves are plotted.

  4. Choose the FcrvSelect->Object->Accelerations command to view the six linear and angular acceleration function curves.


Last updated 02-apr-1998