

The Info->Measure command in the Motion module computes a variety of "measurable" aspects of a SOFTIMAGE 3D model such as surface area, volume, or length. The result of the calculation is displayed in a small window on top of the SOFTIMAGE 3D interface. Transformations are included in the results, and are measured in SOFTIMAGE units.

This command does not work with NURBS objects.

There is a scene called Worm in the SI_EFFECTS_3 database that you can play with, but there is no tutorial for it.



  1. Create a model (it may be animated).
  2. Choose the Info->Measure command in the Motion module. The Measure dialogue box is displayed.
  3. Select the parameter you want to measure (Length, Volume, or Surface Area).
  4. Select the model.

A box appears at the top of the screen with the value of the measurable. If the model is animated, the number in the box is recomputed on a frame-by-frame basis. The box itself can be moved by right-clicking on it while holding down the Alt key. In the menu of options that appears, select the Move option.


Last updated 02-apr-1998