

Draw Slopes

The FcrvSelect->Draw Slopes command in the Motion module is a toggle that allows you to make slopes on the function curve visible (the default) or not in the Fcurve window. This command is useful if many key points are created, such as on a highly sampled function curve from motion capture, and you want to view the key points but not the slopes.

Pick Slopes

The FcrvSelect->Pick Slopes command is a toggle that lets you activate or deactivate the ability to pick slopes on a function curve. This command is active by default. This is useful if you have many key points on the function curve and you want to avoid picking a slope when you are picking a key point.

Show Fcv Groups

The FcrvSelect->Show Fcv Groups command allows you to display or hide the named selections containing function curves in the function curve editor list.


Last updated 02-apr-1998