Camera |
The FcrvSelect->Camera command in the Motion module displays the function curves for the animated parameters of the camera in the Fcurve window.
For more information on camera settings, see the Camera->Settings command.
For more information on all tasks related to editing function curves, see the Editing Function Curves section of the Animating User's Guide.
The Fcurve window and the appropriate function curve(s) appear.
Displays all function curves available for the selected camera.
Displays the camera position function curve on a path. The values on the vertical axis of the Fcurve window represent percentages of the length of the path, and are from 0 to 100.
Explicit Translation
Displays all explicit translation function curves of the camera.
Explicit Translation X/Y/Z
There are three function curves, one for each axis. The values on the vertical axis of the Fcurve window are global coordinates.
Displays the function curve for the camera interest on a path. There is only one function curve. It has the same values on the vertical axis of the Fcurve window and behaves in the same manner as an object's translation function curve.
Explicit Translation
Displays all explicit translation function curves of the camera interest.
Explicit Translation X/Y/Z
There are three function curves, one for each axis. The values on the vertical axis of the Fcurve window are global coordinates.
Displays the function curve for the roll of the camera. There is only one function curve. The values on the vertical axis of the Fcurve window are in degrees and behave like rotation function curves.
Displays the function curve for the field of view of the camera. There is only one function curve. The values on the vertical axis of the Fcurve window are in degrees, and range from 0 to 180.
Displays the function curve for the near clipping plane of the camera. This is the distance from the camera where the object starts to become visible. There is only one function curve. The values on the vertical axis of the Fcurve window represent the distance from the camera to the near clipping plane in system (global coordinate) units.
Displays the function curve for the far clipping plane of the camera. This is the distance from the camera where the object stops being visible. There is only one function curve. The values on the vertical axis of the Fcurve window represent the distance from the camera to the far clipping plane in system (global coordinate) units.
Displays the function curves related to the auto focus for the camera's Depth of Field Simulation parameters. There are three function curves: one for the focal length, F/stop value, and distance to objects.
Displays the function curves related to the custom focus for the Depth of Field Simulation parameters. There are four function curves: Near Focus, Far Focus, COC, and Max occurs at. The units for the COC function curve are pixels, and the units for the other function curves are system units, ranging from - to .
Displays the function curve that shows when the selected camera is hidden. This is a linear function curve with two values: 0 and 1 representing visible and hidden states, respectively.
Displays the function curves for the projection planes of the camera.
Displays all the projection plane function curves.
Displays the function curve that shows the perpendicular distance from the camera to the projection plane.
Size X/Size Y
Displays the function curves for the X/Y size of the projection plane.
Offset X/Offset Y
Displays the function curves that show the X/Y offsets from the centre.
Last updated 02-apr-1998