Snapshot Fcurve


Each function curve has a corresponding auxiliary function curve shown in dotted lines in the Fcurve window. This lets you keep a "copy" of the original function curve as you are modifying it.

With the FcrvEdit->Snapshot Fcurve command in the Motion module, you can take a "snapshot" of the current function curve's shape or state. When you edit the function curve, this snapshot remains as the auxiliary function curve. Using these snapshots as a visual reference, you can progressively edit your function curve. If you want to return to the auxiliary function curve at any time, choose the FcrvEdit->Swap Fcurve command.

You can also perform this operation by selecting SNAP from the Fcurve window title bar.


Some editing functions perform an automatic snapshot of the function curve, so you can compare the resulting curve with the original and return to it if you don't like the results. Use the FcrvEdit->Fit Spline to Fcurve, FcrvEdit->Expression, and the Channel->Sequence I/O commands to edit your results.



  1. Select a function curve.
  2. Choose the FcrvEdit->Snapshot Fcurve command. This saves an auxiliary function curve.
  3. Edit the function curve as desired. The auxiliary function curve, which has preserved the shape of the original function curve, appears as a dotted line.
  4. To return to the auxiliary function curve, choose the FcrvEdit->Swap Fcurve command.


Last updated 02-apr-1998