The FcrvEdit->Edit Fcurve command in the Motion module allows you
to globally edit the function curve, including translation (offset) and scale. You can
also perform this action by selecting the EDITFCV option from the Fcurve window title bar.
The mouse buttons are configured as follows:
- Left-click to translate the function curve. Click any key point and drag the function
curve to offset it horizontally (frames) or vertically (movement amplitude).
- Middle-click to scale the function curve horizontally (frames). If you click on the
first key point, all the key points scale to the last key point. If you click on the last
key point, all the key points scale to the first key point. If you click on any key point
between the end key points, they scale toward end key points without exceeding them.
- Right-click to control the vertical scaling (movement amplitude). It works similarly to
middle-clicking for end key points, but with in-between key points, it scales all the key
points according to the average value.
You can also change translation and scale with the TransX/Y/Z and ScaleX/Y/Z
commands. In this case, changes in scale are from 0.
Last updated 02-apr-1998