Associate Anim./Disassociate Anim. |
The FcrvCopy->Associate Anim/Disassociate Anim. commands in the Motion module allow you to associate or disassociate a predefined set of function curves from an object or hierarchy, material, camera, etc., to the selected object.
An object that is not animated is associated to an animation element (visible in the Schematic window when the Motion mode is active) that contains a list of function curves and a list of objects using that set of function curves. It can be read directly from disk using the Get->Element command.
The Get->From Library (Motion Module) commands are recommended as a simpler solution for applying animation to a hierarchy. The procedure for mapping the animation using the Get->From Library commands is almost the same as using this command - there is no filter, however, and all the animations must be applied when applying animations from a library.
Last updated 02-apr-1998