2D Texture Local


The FcrvCopy->2D Texture Local command in the Motion module allows you to copy the function curve(s) of animated, locally applied 2D texture parameters listed in the submenu from an object to the currently selected object.

For a description of all the commands available for 2D Textures, see FcrvSelect->2D Texture Global/Local.



  1. Select the object from which the function curve(s) is to be copied.
  2. Choose the Polygon->Next Material command, or choose the Mat_Oper->Set Current command from the Schematic window to select the object's current material.
  3. Select the object to receive the 2D function curve(s).
  4. Select the object's current material (see step 2).
  5. Choose the FcrvCopy->2D Texture Local command and the appropriate subcommand.
  6. Pick the object from which the 2D texture function curve is to be copied.


Last updated 02-apr-1998