

The Effects->Shoe command in the Motion module allows you to glue one entire hierarchy to another. This can be useful for filling in gaps between models in a hierarchy, such as the fingers and palm of a hand.



  1. Create two hierarchies.

    The models of the "surface" hierarchy should roughly surround the models of the "fill" hierarchy.

  2. Choose the Effects->Shoe command.

    The Shoe dialogue box is displayed.

  3. Set the parameters as desired.
  4. Follow the prompts for selecting the surface and fill hierarchies.


The ShoeData null object may be moved, but do not delete it. It contains important information for the effect to continue working.




The Falloff Start and End parameters appear in this dialogue box, but are not used for the Shoe effect.

Overall Damping

This specifies how much the points of the fill hierarchy should be moved toward the surface hierarchy. A value of 1 means that the points should be completely moved to the closest points of the surface hierarchy models, while a value of 0 means that nothing should be done. This parameter can be keyframed to create interesting animations.

Next, Previous, Delete, Key, and Frame

Next advances to the next keyframe, Previous goes back to the previous keyframe, Delete removes a keyframe, and Key sets a keyframe at the frame you specify in the Frame text box. These controls are available only after you have set the initial parameters in the dialogue box and clicked Ok. To return to the dialogue box and edit keyframes for the effect, select the effect icon and choose the Effects->Edit Parameters command in the Motion module.


Last updated 02-apr-1998