Magnet |
The Effects->Magnet command in the Motion module allows you to deform the points of one model by using another model as a magnet. You can control which points of the object are moved, how much they are moved, and in which direction. All elements, including the shape and location of the magnet as well as the magnitude and extent of the force, can be animated. By freezing the magnetic effect, you can use Magnet as a deformation modelling tool.
The Effects->HrcMagnet command in the Motion module is like the Magnet effect except that you can deform an entire hierarchy.
These are typical effects that can be created using Magnet:
The effect icon appears, indicating that the effect is active.
As with all Motion effects, the icon can be animated and the parameters set can be further edited or animated by selecting the icon and choosing Effects->Edit Parameters in the Motion module.
Start and End Distances
Allows you to define the area in which the magnetic effect gradually diminishes on the object being magnetized. Points closer than the Start distance are fully affected, and points further than the End distance are not affected. The effect gradually diminishes between these two points.
The relative magnitude of the magnetic force. The magnitude of the effect is also scaled if you later apply a scaling value to the effect icon.
Direction of Offset
- Object Normal: Offset points in the direction of the normal to the surface at that point.
- Toward Icon Center: Offset points in the direction of the icon's centre, regardless of the icon's location.
Force Distribution
- Proportional to Area: This option gives each polygon of a polygon mesh object a magnetic force proportional to its area. This produces a more natural effect for magnets modelled using many large and small polygons, such as text.
- Located at Vertices: Select this option to apply an equal amount of magnetic force to each vertex of the magnet.
If the magnet is a patch, NURBS surface, or curve, the magnetic force is automatically located at the vertices.Next, Previous, Delete, Key, and Frame
Next advances to the next keyframe, Previous goes back to the previous keyframe, Delete removes a keyframe, and Key sets a keyframe at the frame you specify in the Frame text box. These controls are available only after you have set the initial parameters in the dialogue box and clicked Ok. To return to the dialogue box and edit keyframes for the effect, select the effect icon and choose the Effects->Edit Parameters command in the Motion module.