

The Effects->LocalLattice command in the Motion module allows you to perform lattice deformations on objects locally. That is, you can position the lattice anywhere on the object being deformed, and apply the effect only to the area within the lattice bounding box. The deformation it produces, as well as the position of the lattice on the object being deformed, can be animated.

The position of the lattice is determined by its scale, rotation, and translation values, and like the SOFTIMAGE 3D lattice, the deformation produced is defined by editing its points.

With LocalLattice, the lattice is a separate object to which you can apply other deformation effects, such as path and shape animation, wave, or curve and surface deformation.



  1. Use the Lattice->MakeLattice command in the Model module to create a lattice.
  2. Choose the Effects->LocalLattice command in the Motion module.
  3. Pick the lattice, then pick the model to which you want to apply the lattice.

    The effect icon appears indicating that the effect is active.

  4. Deform the lattice as desired.



You can apply a given lattice to an unlimited number of models.


Last updated 02-apr-1998