

The Effects->HrcExplode command in the Motion module is the same as the Effects->Explode command except that you can explode an entire hierarchy of polygon mesh objects (not just one object) into their constituent polygons.

Any objects in the hierarchy that are not polygon meshes remain unchanged. You can control and animate the magnitude, duration, and location of the explosion, as well as introduce randomness to create dramatic, realistic results. Unlike Explode, however, you cannot apply the HrcExplode effect to the tagged vertices of polygons.



  1. Create a hierarchy containing polygon mesh objects with separate polygons. Typically, you would apply the Polygon->Breakup effect to each polygon mesh object to create a polygon mesh with separate polygons.
  2. Choose the Effects->HrcExplode command.

    The Explode dialogue box is displayed.

  3. Set the parameters as desired.
  4. Pick the hierarchy of mesh objects to be exploded.

The effect icon is displayed when you play back the animation and the hierarchy explodes.

The explosion direction depends on the relationship between the exploding object's position and the position of the effect icon on the screen. The location of the effect icon determines where the explosion originates on the object, regardless of any transformations to the object or the icon, or whether the object or icon is in a hierarchy.

As with many motion effects, the icon can be animated and the parameters set can be further edited or animated by selecting the icon and choosing Effects->Edit Parameters in the Motion module.

For a description of all parameters, see the Effects->Explode command.


Last updated 02-apr-1998