

The Constraint->Relax command in the Actor and Motion modules lets you specify whether to remove all of a constrained object's constraints, or all constraints applied to one constraining object.



  1. Select the constrained objects whose constraints you want to relax.
  2. Choose the Constraint->Relax command.

If there is only a single constraint applied to the object or one active constraint in the scene, it is relaxed immediately.

If not, follow the mouse instructions in the status bar:

The constrained objects flash red as the constraints are relaxed.


Open a DopeSheet window to keep track of your operations and view the results. If you want to delete only one of several constraints applied to an object, use the DopeSheet to deactivate it. For more information, see the Editing with the DopeSheet Window section of the Animating User's Guide.


Last updated 03-apr-1998