The Constraint->Position Limits command in the Actor and Motion modules sets a constraint on the range of position of one or more objects relative either to another object or to the global (world) origin. This means that objects cannot be translated to a position farther away from the constraining object than a specified distance. A damping effect can also be set, adding resistance to the object's movement so that abrupt stops are avoided.
For more information about animating using constraints, see the Constraints section of the Animating User's Guide.
The constrained object does not move further from the constraining object than the specified values.
Limit Type
Sets the shape and size of area to which the constrained object is limited. By default, the constraining area shape is Box.
Establishes the constraining area as sphere-shaped.
Sets the distance, in units, that the centre of a constrained object can be translated from either the centre of the constraining object or the centre of the world (origin). By default, the radius is set to 5.0 units.
Establishes the constraining area as box-shaped.
MIN and MAX Limits
MIN and MAX values are expressed in SOFTIMAGE units. They represent the minimum and maximum distance that the centre of a constrained object can be translated, relative to either the centre of the constraining object or the centre of the world (origin).
For example, if the MIN and MAX position limits are set to -10 and 10 units for all axes, you can translate the constrained object in any axis until its centre is within 10 units from the constraining object's centre (Damping may affect the actual distance that the object can move).
Sets the reference point for the constraining area at either the centre of a constraining object or the centre of the world (origin).
By default, the reference point is set to Object.
The Damping options set a degree of resistance to the movement of a constrained object as it approaches the outer limits of the constraining area. These options set the strength of the resistance and distance from the reference point that damping begins to take effect.
Damping Width
Sets the distance from the reference point that damping begins to take effect. The value is expressed in SOFTIMAGE units.
For example, if the damping width is set to 2 units, and the constraining area is sphere-shaped with a radius of 10 units, the object can be translated 8 units from the reference point before damping takes effect.
By default, Damping Width is set to 0.
Damping Strength
Sets the strength of the damping effect. A value of 0 indicates no visible resistance to the movement of the object as it approaches the outer limits of its constraining area, while a value of 1.0 indicates very strong resistance. The larger the value specified, the stiffer the damping is.
By default, the Damping Strength is set at 0.5 units.
Last updated 03-apr-1998