Two Points


The Constraint->Two Points command in the Actor and Motion modules positions an object to be constrained centrally between two other objects or nulls. The constrained object's x-axis is oriented along the vector (think of it as an invisible line) that goes from the first selected constraint to the second one.

This constraint is useful for keeping an object between two points pointing along their direction, such as a muscle between two arm joints.

It also provides an easy way to convert two positions into an orientation for motion capture. When you have motion curve data without orientation information, you can infer rotations from position data by using this constraint.


You can also use this constraint in conjunction with Constraint->Up Vector to define the rotation of an object around its x-axis. Otherwise, the roll around the x-axis is determined by the x-rotation of the object.

For more information about animating using constraints, see the Constraints section of the Animating User's Guide.



  1. Select the object to be constrained.
  2. Choose the Constraint->Two Points command.
  3. Pick two constraining objects.


    The order in which you select your constraining objects is important for getting the correct orientation of the constrained object.

    The constraining objects flash red as you pick them.

  4. Right-click to end the mode.

The constrained object is repositioned between the two constraining objects, and its x-axis is repositioned in the direction of the second constraining object's centre. As you move the constraining objects (one or both), the constrained object readjusts to stay between them.


Last updated 03-apr-1998