

The Surface->GuidedExtrude command in the Model module is an advanced modelling tool that allows you to extrude curves to create surfaces. Simply create a cross-sectional curve and then two additional curves, which act as guides or rails for the cross-section. The cross-sectional curve is automatically sized to conform to the guides during extrusion.

The Path->AnimatedGuidedExtrude command in the Motion module is the animated version of this effect.


  1. Create the cross-sectional curve (usually modelled in the xy plane) and the left and right guide curves.
  2. Choose the Surface->GuidedExtrude command.

    The GuidedExtrude dialogue box is displayed.
  3. Pick the cross-section curve, the left guide curve, and then the right guide curve.


NURBS curves may be used with the GuidedExtrude effect. The resulting patch, however, is computed by converting any linear NURBS curves into linear curves and any cubic NURBS curves into Cardinal curves.



Cross Sectional Sizing

Allows you to define how the cross-section is scaled during the extrusion.


This option adds "capping" faces to the result. The cap objects are placed in a hierarchy with the extruded model.


Last updated 02-apr-1998