

The Surface->Four-Sided command in the Model module allows you to create a patch or NURBS surface from four border curves.

If you use NURBS curves, the result is a NURBS surface. If you use Linear, Cardinal, Bezier, or B-Splines, the result is a patch surface of the same type as the curve.

You can use relation modelling concepts on the resulting object. Always make sure that the Preferences->Create Modelling Relation command is activated first.

For an overview of relational modelling, see the Relational Modelling section of the Modelling User's Guide.


  1. Draw two pairs of curves. Do not mix NURBS and non-NURBS curves.
  2. Pairs of non-NURBS curves:
  1. Pairs of NURBS curves:
  1. Position each pair (top-bottom, left-right) opposite the other. The result is more predictable if the ends of the curves are close to each other.
  2. Choose the Surface->Four-Sided command.
  3. If you are using NURBS curves, the Four Sided Setup dialogue box is displayed, in which you can indicate the parameterization of the resulting NURBS surface.
  4. Pick curves one at a time:
  1. Each one is highlighted as it is picked.

The result is a patch or NURBS surface. The curves remain displayed on the screen after the new four-sided object has been created, and can be used again to create more objects.

If you are using relational modelling, as you edit, transform, or scale the generator curves, you will see the object move and respond to your changes. The only operations that can be performed independently on the generated object are transformations and inversion of the object's surface normals.


The Four Sided Setup dialogue box offers four options for knot parameterization of NURBS.


The effect of changes are more localized if you use Uniform or Non-uniform parameterization than if you use Chord Length and Centripetal.


Last updated 02-apr-1998