Weld |
The Polygon->Weld command in the Model module is used for merging nearby vertices of a polygon mesh. Weld identifies all vertices within a user-defined threshold from each other, even if they belong to different polygons.
A new polygon mesh is created.
Weld Points Closer Than
Points of the polygon mesh closer than this distance (measured in SOFTIMAGE units) are welded together in the result.
Tagged Points Only
With this option selected, only tagged points are considered for welding.
Only Reposition Points
With this option selected, points that are close enough to be welded are positioned exactly on top of each other, but are not identified as one point in the result.
Average Nearby Normals
When this option is selected together with Only Reposition Points, the points that are moved on top of each other have their normals averaged so that they have the same normal for shading purposes.
Last updated 02-apr-1998