

The Polygon->Stitch command in the Model module allows you to create seamless joints between free or open edges of polygon meshes or curves by automatically creating joining triangles between nearby points of participating models. When stitching polygon meshes, you simply tag the portion of the free edges to stitch together; when stitching curves, all the points are automatically used. Difficult modelling tasks, such as joining a circle to a square, or connecting fingers smoothly to a hand, are easily performed using this effect.



  1. Create two models: they can be either curves or polygon meshes.

    If using a polygon mesh, the models must have "free" or open edges, and you must tag some points on the edges. For example, the free edges of a grid are the outermost edges, while a sphere has no free edges.

  2. Position the models so that the edges to stitch together are close to each other and correctly oriented.


    When using polygon meshes, the normals must be oriented in the same direction. When using curves, its normals must be oriented in opposite directions. You can use the Effect->Inverse command in the Model module to reorient a curve.

  3. Choose the Polygon->Stitch command.

    The Stitch dialogue box is displayed.

  4. Set the parameters and click Ok.
  5. Pick the model on the left, then pick the model on the right.

The resulting polygon mesh model is created.



Stitch can accommodate closed loops. If only one of the participating models forms a closed loop, that model should be designated the "left model" to achieve the best results.




Left Step Size

The step size for converting the first model if it is a curve.

Right Step Size

The step size for converting the second model if it is a curve.

Merge Left with Result

The left model is merged with the result if it is a polygon mesh.

Merge Right with Result

The right model is merged with the result if it is a polygon mesh.


Last updated 02-apr-1998