

The Polygon->Eater command in the Model module allows you to eliminate polygons from a complex polygon mesh object or hierarchy to speed up the screen display and reduce memory demands. It leaves holes where the polygons have been removed.



If you select the All Polygons option, you can quickly view the model as an outline by choosing the Show->Points command.

Use the Effect->PolygonReduction command in the Model module to obtain a model with fewer polygons (not deleted ones).



  1. Choose the Polygon->Eater command in the Model module.

    The Eater dialogue box is displayed:

  2. In the Percentage text box, specify the percentage of polygons to be deleted.
  3. If you want to delete all polygons, leaving only the original object vertices, select the All Polygons option.
  4. Click Ok.
  5. Pick the polygon mesh.

    A new model with fewer polygons is created.

  6. Choose the Show->Point command to view the object.


Last updated 02-apr-1998