

The Info->ModelNote command in the Model module is a tool for adding text notes to a model, such as how the model was built, what remains to be done, or messages to other people working on the model or scene. Simply choose the command and click on the model to notate. The standard text editor appears on the screen. Previous notes made with ModelNote are automatically included in the text editor window.

There is a scene called CircleNote in the SI_EFFECTS_3 database that you can play with, but there is no tutorial for it.


  1. Create a model.
  2. Choose the Info->ModelNote command in the Model module.
  3. After a moment, the standard text editor appears.


    When the text editor appears, the colour map may shift, but this is not a problem.
  4. Use your text editor as you would normally. Remember to save your note after you are finished, but do not give it a new file name when saving.

On some platforms, such as an Indy(TM), the jot command being used is inappropriate and may not work correctly. As a remedy, set the environment variable EFFECTS_EDITOR. By default, the command used is "jot -nofork" (including the quotation marks), which runs the jot editor in the foreground on the Indigo® platform.

On the Indy platform the corresponding command is "jot -f". For this platform, add this line to the .softimage or .cshrc file:

setenv EFFECTS_EDITOR "jot -f"


You can use different text editors, or even other types of software such as a paint program.

Last updated 02-apr-1998