

The Get->Eps2Soft effect in the Model module allows you to convert .eps files into curves in SOFTIMAGE 3D.


If the .eps file contains text, it should be saved in outline form from the illustration package you are using.


  1. Choose the dialogue box is displayed. Get->Eps2Soft command in the Model module. The Eps2Soft
  2. Specify the software package name used to create the file you want to convert.
  3. Enter the name of the file you want to convert in the Filename text box.


    This file should be placed in a directory whose full path name is easy to remember.
  4. Set other parameters as desired.
  5. Click Ok to accept the dialogue box settings.

The .eps file is converted to a hierarchy of Bezier curves in SOFTIMAGE 3D.


Software Package

Specifies the software used to create the .eps file: either Illustrator® or Freehand(TM).


Name or full path name (including the extension) of the file to be converted.

Scale Factor

Allows you to scale the values in the .eps file before the file is converted to SOFTIMAGE 3D curves.

X and Y Offset

Offsets the values in the .eps file by these amounts you specify before the file is scaled and converted to SOFTIMAGE 3D curves.


Last updated 02-apr-1998