Label |
The Effect->Label command in the Model module allows you to apply 2D textures mapped onto an existing polygon mesh or patch model to a new polygon mesh while maintaining the aspect ratio.
This effect does not work with NURBS objects.
The effect is typically used when you want to preserve the original aspect ratio of the texture picture when applied on a model (for example bottles, logos, etc.).
A new model is created with the texture applied according to the parameter settings.
You can translate and scale the texture while maintaining the aspect ratio (with Uniform Scaling activated).
Texture 2D
- Global: select this option if you applied a global texture to the model.
- Local: select this option if you applied a local texture to the model.
Select this option if you mapped the texture to the model using planar projection (XY, XZ, YZ), spherical projection, or cylindrical projection. The texture is scaled according to the ratio between the dimensions of the bounding box of the selected model.
Select this option if you mapped the texture to the model using a UV projection. The texture is calculated over the length of the patch curve. Since U and V curve lengths may vary along the surface, you must tag the point on the patch around which the texture has to be mapped so that scaling values can be accurately calculated.
This option works only for patch objects.Scale Ratio Computed Over
All Tagged Us and Vs
The entire length of the U and V of the tagged point is considered.
Range around Tagged Point
Only the specified UV neighbourhood surrounding the tagged point is considered. The smaller the gap, the more accurately the scaling values around the tagged point is calculated. If you set a value of 1 for both U and V, the scaling is accurately calculated for the four squares sharing the tagged point, but not beyond them.
Last updated 02-apr-1998