

The Effect->Inverse command in the Model module lets you invert the current state of an object's normals. When the object's normals do not give the desired appearance, use this command. You can usually see by the appearance of your object in the Shade view whether the normals are pointing in the correct direction for rendering: normals facing the camera cause the surface to be illuminated. For more information on normals, see the Normals section of the Modelling User's Guide.

Depending on the type of object, this command has the following effects:


Relational Modelling

If there is a modelling relation between a curve and an object, and you wish to inverse the direction of the generated object's normals, you do not need to inverse the generator curve. Instead, simply select the object itself and choose Effect->Inverse.

Effect->Inverse creates a modelling relation between the generated object and itself, which allows you to invert the object independently of the generator curve.


If the object you want to invert was not generated by a modelling relation, inverting the object does not suddenly create a modelling relation for that object.



  1. Choose the Show->Normal command to see the current direction of the normals.
  2. Select an object (polygon mesh, curve, surface, or face).
  3. Choose the Effect->Inverse command.

The direction of the normals is reversed.


Last updated 02-apr-1998