

The Effect->Transformations command in the Model module resets scaling, rotation, and translation values for all axes in the transformation menu cells to their default values, without changing the current appearance of the object.

As a result, the object's centre is placed at the global centre (origin), but the object retains its current size, orientation, and location in the window.

This procedure is not reversible.
  1. Select an object.
  2. Choose the Effect->Transformations command.

The values displayed in the transformation menu cells are reset to their default values (Scale 1.0, and Rotation and Translation 0.0)





The Effect->Scaling command resets scaling values on all axes in the Scale menu cells to 1.0.

The object retains its current size in the window.

  1. Select an object.
  2. Choose the Effect->Scaling command.

The values displayed in the ScaleX/Y/Z menu cells are reset to 1.0.





The Effect->Rotation command resets rotation values on all axes in the Rotation menu cells to 0.

The object retains its current orientation in the window.

  1. Select an object.
  2. Choose the Effect->Rotation command.

The values displayed in the RotX/Y/Z menu cells are reset to 0.0.





The Effect->Translation command moves the centre of the object to the origin (the global centre - 0,0,0) while the object itself remains in its current location in the window.

  1. Select an object.
  2. Choose the Effect->Translation command.

The values displayed in the TransX/Y/Z menu cells are reset to 0.0.



Modeling Relation


The Effect->Modelling Relation command allows you to remove the modelling relationship that exists between the original generator and the generated object.

Once this operation is done, modifications made to the generator no longer affect the generated object. This freeze only removes the modelling relation on the selected object and does not remove all existing modelling relationships.

If the selected object is the generator for another, that modelling relation is not frozen.


Deleting Generators

If you no longer need the generator, it can be deleted and its animation can be copied to the object if desired. The following conventions apply:

For more information on modelling relations and how to create them, see the Relational Modelling section of the Modelling User's Guide.



This procedure is not reversible.

  1. Select the generated object.
  2. Choose the Effect->Modelling Relation command. The Freeze Modelling Relation dialogue box is displayed.
  3. If you want the generator to be deleted, select Delete Generators.
  4. Click the Plot Shape button if you are deleting an animated generator and want the animation copied to the object so that its animation is retained. If you delete the generator without clicking Plot->Shape, the object is no longer be animated.

    The Plot Shape dialogue box is displayed.

  5. Enter the Start and End frames of the animation.
  6. Choose the copy method:
  1. Click Ok to accept the settings and exit the Plot Shape dialogue box.
  2. Click Ok to remove the modelling relationship and exit the Freeze Modelling Relation dialogue box.


Last updated 02-apr-1998