Convert |
The Effect->Convert command in the Model module allows different types of conversions depending on the object selected.
You can convert a face to:
- A 2D polygon mesh
- A face made from a Linear type curve
- A NURBS face
You can control the resolution of the newly created object, both the exterior contour and any holes in the object.The original face remains available.
- If you select a B-Spline face, for example, you can convert it to a cubic NURBS face or a face made of a Linear curve.
- If you select a NURBS face of higher degree (quadratic or cubic), and choose the Linear face option, the NURBS face is converted to a NURBS face of linear degree.
- If you choose the Polygon option, the face is converted to polygon mesh face.
It may be useful to convert a curve from one type to another to perform a particular operation. For example if you wanted to project a curve onto a surface or trim a surface, this can only be done using a NURBS curve. If your original curve was drawn as a Bezier, you could convert it to a NURBS.
The Effect->Convert command converts curves from one type to another by one of the following methods.
- Select a curve.
- Choose the Effect->Convert command.
The Convert Curve dialogue box is displayed.
- Select either Keep Control Points or Keep Curve and select the new type of curve.
If you keep the control points, the shape of the curve may change as it is converted. Conversely, if you keep the curve's shape, the number of points on the curve are not the same after the conversion.
- Click Ok to accept the settings or Cancel to exit the dialogue box.
The curve is converted according to your settings, and the original curve is preserved.Parameters
Keep Control Points
Converts curves according to the number of control points. Any type of curve can be converted to another curve type, but the shape of the curve is modified.
Keep Curve
Converts any type of curve into Linear, Bezier, or NURBS, while closely maintaining the appearance of the curve. Only the conversion choices in which the curve shape can be maintained are offered.
- Linear:
If you are converting a NURBS curve of higher degree (quadratic or cubic) to Linear, the result is a NURBS curve of linear degree.
B-Spline, Cardinal and Bezier curves are converted to linear type curves.
The Subdivision value determines the sampling of the original (higher degree) curve when converting to a linear curve. The higher the sampling value, the more faithfully the resulting linear curve follows the shape of the original.
If you are satisfied with the shape of your original curve, and you want to convert it to linear, leave the Subdivision value high.
- Bezier sets the Maximum Error, which controls the deviation of the Bezier from the original shape of a linear curve. The smaller the value, the more accurate the shape.
- NURBS converts a non-NURBS curve into a NURBS curve while preserving its shape.
Patch Objects
You can convert a patch surface object to a NURBS surface or a polygon mesh object.
- Select a patch object.
- Choose the Effect->Convert command.
The Convert Patch dialogue box is displayed.
- Select either Polygon or NURBS for the new object type.
The object is converted to a NURBS surface or a polygon mesh object.
NURBS Surface Object
You can convert a NURBS surface to a polygon mesh object.
- Select a NURBS surface object.
- Choose the Effect->Convert command.
The surface object is immediately converted to a polygon mesh object.
Polygon Mesh Object
You can convert a quad polygon mesh object to a triangulated polygon mesh object.
- Select a quad polygon mesh object.
- Choose the Effect->Convert command.
The polygon mesh object is immediately triangulated.
Last updated 02-apr-1998