Proportional Setup |
The Edit->Proportional Setup command in the Model module allows you to define:
Settings in Proportional Setup apply globally to all objects in the scene.
The proportional editing mode also functions in TAG mode. For information on this mode,
see the TAG section.
- Set the Distance Limit value. This distance is measured from the selected point in all directions to define the area of influence. Points within the area defined move according to the falloff curve you created. You can set the distance limit for the points to Global or Local.
- If desired, select the Consider Neighbourhood option. You can apply the 3D Proportional Modelling setting to any object, whether a polygon mesh or a surface (patch or NURBS).
- For polygon mesh objects, only the 3D Proportional Modelling settings apply. If you select 2D Proportional Modelling and then edit a polygon mesh object, the 3D settings are applied regardless.
- For surfaces, you can apply either 3D Proportional Modelling or
2D Proportional Modelling settings. However, if the Surface option is selected, then only the 2D settings apply to all the surfaces in the scene.
Linear, Exponential 1, and Exponential 2
For both 2D and 3D Proportional Modelling settings, these allow you to define the falloff function curve in the Fcurve window to linear, exponential 1, or exponential 2 Bezier functions.
3D Proportional Modelling
These settings are applied to all objects (whether polygon mesh objects or surface objects) in the scene, unless you select the Surface option for surfaces. In this case, the 3D Proportional Modelling settings apply only to the polygon mesh objects.
Distance Limit
Defines the size of the area of influence by setting the distance from the selected point in all directions. In the case of 3D Proportional Modelling, the area of influence can be thought of as a sphere, at the centre of which is the point to be moved.
- Global: Applies the distance limit to the global world.
- Local: Applies the distance limit to the local world.
Consider Neighbourhood
If selected, a point within the area of influence does not move if all of its neighbouring points are outside the limit.
On faces, holes are not considered to be part of a "neighbourhood."Surface
This option applies only to patch and NURBS surfaces, not to polygon mesh objects.
If selected, only the 2D Proportional Modelling settings apply when editing surfaces in the scene, but the 3D Proportional Modelling settings continue to apply to editing polygon mesh objects. The area of influence is defined by the number of points in the U and V direction, starting from the selected point.
- U Limit, V Limit: Sets the distance in the positive and negative U and V directions from the selected point.
- Rectangular: The U and V limit values create a rectangular area of influence.
- Elliptical: The U and V limit values create an elliptical area of influence. If U is equal to V, it creates a circular area.
Affect Tag Only
If selected, only tagged points within the area of influence move when the selected point is moved. The point you are moving does not have to be tagged.
Last updated 02-apr-1998