

The Edit->Coordinate command in the Model module allows you to reposition one or more points in a selected object by modifying its coordinate values. This provides you with an exact ways of positioning the point (and in the case of NURBS, editing the point's weight).

Coordinate values can also be modified in the Info->Points dialogue box, in which case there is no onscreen highlight to indicate which point in the object corresponds to the point selected in the scroll box.


  1. Select an object.
  2. Choose the Edit->Coordinate command.
  3. Pick the point to be modified.

    The selected point is highlighted in green on the object and the Edit Coordinate dialogue box is displayed.


    If a Bezier curve is selected, the Curve Info dialogue box is displayed (see Curve Info (Bezier)).
  4. Select either Local or Global Coordinates.
  5. Enter the new values as desired.
  6. Click Modify.
  7. Click Previous to modify the previous point or Next to modify the next point. These points are highlighted in green to show they're selected.
  8. Repeat steps 4 to 6 as desired.
  9. Click Ok to accept the settings or Cancel to exit the dialogue box.





Displays the type of object: Spline (for a non-NURBS curve), polygon, patch, NURBS curve or surface, or face.


Displays the name of the selected object.

No: of:

Displays current point number of the total number of points.

Local Coordinates

Displays coordinates with reference to the object's centre.

Global Coordinates

Displays coordinates with reference to the global centre (the origin).


Allows you to modify the X, Y, Z coordinates of the selected point (reference grid). For NURBS curves and surfaces, a fourth parameter, W is available which represents weight.


Selects the previous point and displays its coordinates.


Selects the next point and displays its coordinates.


Modifies the coordinates and shows the modifications immediately.


Last updated 02-apr-1998