Add Point


The Edit->Add Point command in the Model module allows you to add individual points to a curve, a face, or a polygon mesh object. For surface objects, it allows you to add rows of points in the U and/or V direction.


  1. Choose the Edit->Add Point command.
  2. Select an object.
  3. If you select a polygon mesh:

As the point is added, you can drag it to another spot to modify the shape of the polygon.

You can also add points using the Polygon->Vertex command.

  1. On closed curves, all mouse buttons add a point on the curve where you click.

On open curves:

  1. If you select a face:
  1. If you select a patch surface:
  1. If you select a NURBS surface, the NURBS Add Row/Column dialogue box is displayed:

You can also use the Effect->Subdivision command on NURBS curves or surfaces to add points or rows of points.




Location U, Location V

Interactively adjusts the location of the line to be added on the surface as described in the introduction.

In U, V, U & V Direction

Selects one or both directions along which to add a row of points, as described in the introduction.


Adds a row of points.


Last updated 02-apr-1998