

The Draw->Polygon command in the Model module allows you to draw a polygon as the first step for creating a polygon mesh object of a customized shape.

For example, instead of getting a primitive polygon mesh object, such as a cube, you could draw a polygon and add more to it, one by one, to create an object.

If you are starting with an existing polygon mesh object to which you wish to add polygons, choose the Polygon->Polygon command.



Draw->Polygon represents the "attaching" mode. When you use either of these commands, you don't need to switch between them: the selections are toggled for you and the mode switching is handled seamlessly.

For an overall procedure of creating a custom polygon mesh object, see the Drawing a Polygon Mesh section of the Modelling User's Guide.



  1. Choose the Draw->Polygon command.
  2. Draw the desired polygon shape, adding as many points as you like.
  1. Once you accept the current polygon, the status line displays a message "Add polygon."


Last updated 08-apr-1998