

The Draw->Cut command in the Model module allows you to:

The cut section can then be translated as desired, while the original curve or surface is preserved.

You can continue cutting until you end the mode. At each step, the current selection is preserved. For example, cut a sphere in half and the original (whole) sphere is preserved. Cut the half sphere in half, and the half sphere is preserved as well as the quarter sphere, which is currently selected.


You can use the Draw->Cut command on open and closed NURBS curves, as well as NURBS surfaces. Currently, you can only cut open Linear, Bezier, Cardinal, B-Splines, and patch surfaces.


  1. Select the curve or surface you want to cut.
  2. Choose the Draw->Cut command.
  3. For non-NURBS curves or for patch surfaces, use the left or middle mouse buttons to cut the curve or surface. Right-click to exit the mode.
  4. When you click on NURBS curve or surface, a dialogue box is displayed.


NURBS Curves

When you select a NURBS curve, the NURBS Curve Cut dialogue box is displayed.


NURBS Surface

When you select a NURBS surface, the NURBS Surface Cut dialogue box is displayed.


Last updated 08-apr-1998