The Deformation->CVFormula command in the Model module lets you apply user-defined equations to the control points and centres of models. You can type in mathematical functions and symbols such as +, -, *, 1, SIN, COS, PI, TAN, SQRT, RAND, X, Y, and Z to precisely control the shape of the models.
The Shape->AnimatedCVFormula command in the Motion module is the animated version of this command.
Reserved Variables
These are predefined variables used for equations. For more information, see SOFTIMAGE Custom Effects Formulæ.
User Variables
You can define these variables using any letter or word.
Equations 0 to 9
Any numbers of equations may be filled in here. Each equation must be less than 40 characters. The variables X, Y, and Z refer to the coordinates of the control vertices of the object. These variables may appear on either the left or right side of the equation. For more information on using equations, see SOFTIMAGE Custom Effects Formulæ.
Tagged Vertices Only
Applies the effect only to tagged vertices.
Apply Model Transform
If the desired effect is to take place after a transformation is applied to the model, select this option; otherwise, the formulae is applied to the untransformed model.
Random Number Seed
This number acts as a seed to the random numbers generated with RAND. The same seed produces the same numbers, while a different seed produces different numbers.
Last updated 03-apr-1998