The Deformation->BumpMap command in the Model module allows you to deform the surface of a model according to a picture file. BumpMap works on the same principle as bump mapping for 2D textures in SOFTIMAGE 3D except that the control points of an object are actually offset according to the intensity of the image channels (similar to displacement mapping with mental ray). You have independent control over the red, green, blue, and alpha channels. Filtering parameters ensure that the result does not show aliasing artifacts.
The Shape->AnimatedBumpMap command in the Motion module is the animated version of this command.
The BumpMap effect requires a SOFTIMAGE 3D model and a SOFTIMAGE 3D picture (.pic file) which is loaded from the BumpMap dialogue box.
Put the picture files in a directory with a path name that is easy to remember and less than 40 characters long. Choose the Picture menu cell in the Tools module to view your picture before using it here.
The model is deformed.
Picture File
The name or full path of the picture file to be used in the deformation.
Channel Factors
Independent scaling factors for the Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha channel values of the image.
Height of Bumps
Overall height in SOFTIMAGE units that a pure white pixel moves a control point.
Filter Type
- Box: The filtering is applied uniformly around each control point in a square region of a size determined by the Filter Size parameter (see below).
- Gaussian: The filtering is applied to each control point with a Gaussian falloff in a circular region of a size determined by the Filter Size parameter (see below).
Filter Size
Size parameter in SOFTIMAGE units for averaging the bumps. This is similar to an antialiasing parameter.
Projection Type
The plane in which the image is projected onto the model to be deformed: either XY, YZ, or ZX for a polygon mesh object, or UV for a patch or NURBS surface object.
Offset Direction
- Normal pushes the vertices of the object outward in the direction of the surface normal.
- Y Axis pushes the vertices of the object in the direction of the global y-axis.
Tagged Points Only
Compresses the image to fit within the bounding box defined by the outermost tagged points on the selected model, and only affects the tagged points within that region.
Last updated 03-apr-1998