Layer Fog


The Atmosphere->Layer Fog command in the Matter module allows you to apply a fog effect to any model containing visible triangles without affecting the background of a scene. The fog's attenuation changes according to its height, and all parameters can be animated.

When you choose the Atmosphere->Layer Fog command, the Layer Fog dialogue box is displayed.


Use the Camera->Show Camera and Info->Distance commands to assist you when setting the Starting and Ending distances and the Base and Thickness settings.



Layer Fog

Activates or deactivates the Layer Fog effect without cancelling the current settings.

Starting Distance

Sets the distance, in grid units, from the camera that the Layer Fog is activated. For example, setting the starting distance to 0 activates the effect immediately in front of the camera.

The Fog effect is "distance-attenuated" so that objects near the starting distance are less affected by the Layer Fog effect than objects that are farther away.

Ending Distance

Sets the distance, in grid units, from the camera that the Layer Fog reaches full density and remains full density from this point to infinity.


Sets the density of the Layer Fog. The values range from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).


Sets the starting distance, in grid units, from the xz plane. For example, setting the base at 0 activates the effect directly on the xz plane. Setting the base at -2 activates the Layer Fog at two units below the xz plane.


Sets the distance from the Base setting in the y-plane. Thickness is also measured in grid units. For example, setting the thickness at 6 deactivates the Layer Fog at six units from the specified Base setting.

The Layer Fog effect is also attenuated according to its height, appearing the most dense at the midway point between the Base and Thickness settings, and gradually weakening toward its edges.


Colour Sliders

The colour of the layer fog is defined using three Colour sliders. Colours can be defined by dragging the sliders, using the arrows, or entering the numerical values in the text boxes. The colour values range from 0 to 1. The RGB button above the sliders toggles between RGB, HLS, and HSV colour.


Displays the Palette dialogue box and allows you to use the system palettes for selecting and mixing colours. You can also define and save your own palettes. For more information on using the palette, see Palette Operations.


Allows you to set a keyframe. Parameters to be keyframed are displayed with a double border. Without exiting this dialogue box, you can use the time line pointer to change the current frame to set other keys.


Cancels settings entered since the dialogue box was opened or the last keyed value, and closes the box.


Confirms the current Layer Fog settings and closes the dialogue box.


Last updated 03-apr-1998