Copy Selection


The Txt_Oper->Copy Selection command in the Matter module allows you to copy selected textures from a specified object or polygon to another object or polygon.

For more information on applying materials to polygons, see Polygon (Matter Module).



  1. Select the destination object or polygon (using the Polygon (Matter Module) menu cell) for the texture.
  2. Choose the Txt_Oper->Copy Selection command.
  3. Select the source object (or polygons) from which the textures are to be copied. Both the source and destination objects (or polygons) flash to confirm the operation.

The 2D Texture File or 3D Solid Texture dialogue box for each texture is displayed sequentially. If you do not want to copy that texture, click Exit. If you want to copy the texture, click Ok.


You can edit the parameters in the dialogue box before clicking Ok.


Last updated 02-apr-1998