Feature Summary

What makes Softimage 3D and Softimage 3D Extreme the world's most powerful modeling, animation and rendering software?

Instead of providing a generic feature list, let's drill down and explain why so many leading production studios use these tools.


Modeling in Softimage 3D is extremely interactive and intuitive.

Softimage supports a comprehensive range of surface types-from simple polygon meshes to B-spline to NURBS patches. The system also includes a Meta-Clay modeling paradigm that can be used to sculpt models like using clay or to generate polygon meshes.

NURBS (non-uniform rational B-spline)

NURBS are considered by many to be the most powerful parametric surface in the industry. NURBS surfaces are a superset of all the other parametric surface types and offer the best of everything. They can be trimmed and blended, or used to handle flexible surfaces and smooth, complex surfaces with a minimum of controls.

Relational modeling

Relational modeling is a feature that maintains links to an object and the elements that generated it. This means editing a point on a generator curve will also modify the generated surface. Most modeling operations (revolution, skinning), etc. in Softimage 3D support active relations. Relations can also be frozen at any point.


Instantiation is the ability to have multiple copies of an object in a scene, while only requiring one 'real' version of the object to be stored with the scene. This is extremely efficient when multiple copies of the same or similar objects are required in scenes, such as in a crowd of people. Only one copy of the model need be saved-the rest can be instances.

Polygon Modeling

Softimage 3D includes full featured and fast polygon mesh modeling tools. Meshes can be edited at the vertex or polygon level. Named groups of vertices and polygons can be created for localized editing of complex mesh objects.



Flexible animation capabilities are the hallmark of Softimage 3D. With intuitive and precise keyframe and function curve editing and extensive motion capture support, Softimage 3D has the low and high level tools create extremely realistic characters and to meet the most demanding production deadlines. Inverse Kinematics While many 3D animation companies talk about inverse kinematics, Softimage provides the most advanced capabilities in the industry. Softimage 3D IK structures are included in the basic package. Creating skeletons for legs and arms is simply a matter of drawing the bones. String together a virtually unlimited number of chains and still get real time results.


What makes IK and skeletons really useful is enveloping. With Softimage 3D envelopes, it is possible to use IK chains to stretch and deform an envelope or skin in a controllable and elastic way. Different regions of the skin can have different weights which is driven by different joints in the IK chains. Of course, if you want to use envelopes, but do not want to use IK, then you can take virtually any hierarchy and make it into a skeleton. Once defined it can have a skin wrapped around it just like an IK chain.

Motion Capture

Softimage 3D supports nearly 30 motion capture devices-ranging from magnetic body-suits through armatures to the keyboard and mouse of your workstation. Animation need not be entered keyframe by keyframe-you can work like a puppeteer - recording motion directly from your mouse (or any supported device-even a body-suit) right onto you character. You can see it update interactively in the shaded view of your scene.

Custom Effects

Softimage 3D ships with an extensive array of preset custom effects - explosions, jitters, rolls, walk cycles, and many others. For example, multiped allows you to create realistic walk cycles for 2-, 4-, 6- and eight-legged characters. You can easily adjust leg spacing, step height, bounce, lean and sway, etc. These custom effects are not just previsualization quality, but can be used for production work. With the new Softimage SDK, customers and independent software developers can create their own interactive custom effects.


Quickstretch is a built-in effect that automatically adds animation to characters based on their movement. For example, add Q-Stretch to a sphere and as you pull it through the air, it automatically deforms based on how fast you drag it. Drag it fast; it distorts a lot. Drag slowly and the effect can be very subtle. Rotational and linear acceleration and speed are computed to create the Q-Stretch deformation effects.


Softimage 3D ships with a full-scale rigid dynamics system that includes forces such as gravity, density and wind. These forces can be placed on objects to get extremely realistic animations-animations that might not even be possible keyframing each object. Collisions are also automatically calculated by adding collision relations to objects participating in a dynamic simulation.


Expressions in Softimage 3D are to artists what C++ is to programmers. Expressions are an extremely powerful animation tool in which you can apply mathematical formulas to any object. Why? There will always be something an animator wants to do that isn't already a prepackaged effect. Expressions allow animators to create their own 'constraint' relationships between objects in Softimage 3D scenes. In a simple example, you can specify that object #1 move twice the distance as object #2. Or you could create a "smart" function where an action is tied to a specific move or animation. Expressions allow you to create virtually unlimited complex relationships between objects without needing to keyframe a single animation.

Cluster Centers

One of the premier deformation tools in Softimage 3D, cluster centers allow you to treat geometry subcomponents (clusters of points) as independent whole objects with their own coordinate systems and transformations. Relationships between these cluster centers can be used to create extremely realistic animations - such as when a character frowns, the lips, checks and eyes move in unison.


Rendered with SoftImageRendering

Softimage Renderer

Softimage 3D ships with an extremely fast raytracer and scanline rendering engine enabling a high level of photorealism, even for previewing scenes. You have full control over anti-aliasing, motion blur, raytrace depth, illumination, shading models and texturing.


Productivity/Softimage SDK

The Softimage SDK (software developer's kit) is a powerful next-generation API (application programming interface) whose aim is to give users the power to move beyond the already advanced capabilities of Softimage 3D. By programming your own custom effects - or by choosing from an array of plug-in applications created by independent software developers - digital artists can bring to light their highest creative visions. At the heart of the Softimage SDK is a powerful, three component toolkit - SAAPHIRE, Softimage mental ray, and Channels. Developers. Customers can get deeply into the Softimage 3D modeling, animation and rendering engines, as well as motion capture/control drivers and the Softimage mental ray rendering platform, to create virtually any kind of custom effect. Game programmers can also use the Softimage SDK to easily extract geometry and other data to create ultra-fast game performance. The Softimage SDK is cross-platform, easily extending applications between the Windows NT and Silicon Graphics environments. Applications created with today's SDK will also be upward compatible with Sumatra, Softimage's next generation of Softimage 3D.


User Environment

The Softimage 3D has evolved into the most efficient user environment in the industry. The graphics user interface is one of the most effective for getting work done fast. Rather than bombard the user with hard-to-decipher icons and toolbars, the Softimage 3D interface puts major tools within easy reach - often only two mouse-clicks away. Modeless "supra" hot-keys allow animators to reach often-used functions simply by using the keyboard. Rather than presenting the user with too much information, the Softimage 3D interface provides cues on what is most important to the user. New features such as scene manager, allow you to easily manage large scene files. Of course, virtually everything can be customizable.


Softimage Libraries

Why reinvent the wheel? Not only does Softimage 3D provide powerful modeling, animation and rendering tools, but we also provide libraries with hundreds of megabytes of preformatted content: particle presets, mental ray shaders and motion capture information. This includes many traditionally - challenging effects such as fire, smoke, soda bubbles, tree leaves, hair, fog and many others. Also, these libraries are being continually updated on the Softimage worldwide web page, as well as being distributed through quarterly service packs. These libraries add incredible value to Softimage customers.


Games Features

In addition to all of the powerful modeling, animation and rendering tools and extremely fast throughput, Softimage 3D includes an extensive set of features targeted primarily at game developers. These features are useful for creating both highly-detailed prerendered scenes and geometry, animation, and texture content for real-time 3D games. If you are a SEGA or Sony registered developer, you may have access to the Saturn and Playstation specific Export, Import and On-Target viewing tools. (Contact your regional dealer for details.)

Polygon Reduction

Softimage 3D includes three sophisticated engines for polygon reduction: optimize, rule-based and filter. From a highly configurable interface, precise reductions can be made-as much as halving the complexity of a polygon mesh-while still retaining the form of the original model. Projected texture maps and materials can be preserved though many of the reduction processes.

Color Reduction

To further optimize real-time performance, Softimage 3D allows users to precisely reduce the number of colors used in an image. A side-by-side view allows you to see both the true-color and the palletized pictures. Customers can create, cut, copy, paste, load and save optimized palettes with bit-depth and palette size control. These images can be saved in a wide variety of file formats.


Texture Painting and UV Editing

Softimage 3D features a comprehensive texture editing tool. UV texture coordinates can be edited graphically in the texture view, and texture coordinates can be copied and pasted from polygon to polygon. There is full support for palletized texture editing.


Game Platform Support

SEGA Saturn

Softimage 3D provides direct support for the SEGA Saturn and the SEGA CartDev software development environment. Geometry, textures, animation and other elements can be directly imported and exported to and from standard SEGA file formats. Customers can also view Saturn format files within Softimage 3D or view animations on the SEGA Saturn using the On-Target viewer.

Sony Playstation

Softimage 3D provides direct support for the Sony Playstation DTL H2000 PC-based development environment. Geometry and textures can be imported and exported. Sony's PS/X file format can be viewed from within Softimage 3D. In Softimage 3D 3.51 Service Pack 1, we will include support for animation, cameras, lights and hierarchies, as well as on-target viewing and color at vertex support.


Softimage 3D provides the most advanced Direct3D tools in the industry, including support for geometry, textures, animation and hierarchies.


Geometry and Bitmap Import/Export

Softimage 3D makes it easy to work with other systems to complete the production process. In addition to SEGA Saturn, Sony Playstation and Direct3D, scenes and data can be exported to and (in most cases) imported from a vast array of file formats, including, Alias/Wavefront, DIB, DXF, IGES and 3DS. Images can be imported and exported in a similarly wide variety of formats including: Artisan, Aurora, Everest, RGB, RGBA, SGI, TGA, TIFF, PIC, Vertigo, YUV, GIF, IMA, JPG, AVI, MAP, PCX, PGM, PICT, PIX, PPM, PSD, and RLA.


Rendered with SoftImageSoftimage 3D Extreme

For customers that want even more power than Softimage 3D, we offer Softimage 3D Extreme. This version, available for both Windows NT and Silicon Graphics, offers customers everything in the base package, plus these powerful features.


Softimage 3D includes a very robust particle system for creating snow, smoke, sparks and other effects.
What makes Softimage 3D particles different than other particle systems is that its optimized for productivity. Rather than using slower vector-based particles, Softimage 3D incorporates pixel-based particles, which means that you can interact with the particle system to get precisely the right effect rather than waiting minutes or hours to render each keyframe. Softimage 3D also ships with an extensive particles library.

Rendered with SoftImageSoftimage mental ray

Softimage mental ray is the fastest and most powerfull commercially available rendering system in the industry. With mental ray, you can create extremely high quality, photorealistic, fully raytraced renderings. Softimage mental ray is also fully programmable with flexible C-based shaders, so you can create any material, texture or rendering effect you can imagine. Softimage mental ray is also fully multi-threaded, so it can take full advantage of multiprocessor systems and cross-platform renderfarms. Special multi-license pricing also means that it is easy to set up cost-effective renderfarms on both Windows NT and Silicon Graphics systems.


Meta-Clay is an extremely unique way of creating models with digital clay. Sculpt a blob; add material and sculpted some more. Meta-Clay is an extremely intuitive and powerful way to create organic objects. (In fact, the T-Meg monster from Terminator 2 3-D was created with Meta-Clay).

Softimage Live

Softimage Live provides a standalone motion capture environment and a run-time viewer to playback animations and test game interactions. With this tool, you can quickly explore 3D environments to test the overall feel of scenery, test game play by setting up channels drivers, or use expressions to add behaviors to objects as you test them. Softimage Live also supports stereo display drivers under IRIX, using the CrystalEyes glasses. 


What's new in Softimage® Version 3.7

Softimage® 3D Version 3.7 is a full-featured release that improves the way artists work and increases the number of tools they can work with. Version 3.7 is also the first step on the road to the new Softimage animation product, code-named Sumatra. The following is a high-level overview of the new enhancements in Softimage 3D Version 3.7.

New development is in three areas:

Workflow enhancements.


Enhancements extending the heritage of Softimage in artist-centric, transparent workflow.
Core enhancements.


Enhancements related to new core functionality in the product that are market independent.
Games-related enhancements.


Enhancements targeted at the game development market.

Workflow Enhancements

Interactive animation and lighting tools

Allows the artist to interactively change lighting parameters, including color and frustrum. Also, new interactive control is provided over several animated effects, such as explosions (Kaboom).

Swiftmouse gesture-based control

Gesture-based mouse system that allows the artist to quickly access functions with just the flick of the wrist.

MIDI drivers improvements

Expanded support for a wide variety of MIDI devices that allows the artist to connect sliders and switches to any parameter in the system that can be animated. Use a MIDI system to manipulate a digital character for complex character control, such as facial animation.

Mixed-mode shaded/wireframe view

Allows the artist to see underlying geometry features when modeling objects in full shaded or texture mode.

70+ shader presets, 400+ new textures

Makes work easier and more productive by allowing the artist to concentrate on creative tasks such as animation, lighting, camera movement and modeling.


Core Enhancements

Fully interactive 3-D paint

Integrated 3-D paint system that allows interactive painting directly on 3-D objects.

Software Development Kit (SDK) enhancements

New SDK enhancements allow deeper access into Softimage 3.7. Direct access is provided to Lattice, Cluster and Constraint Controls, Deformation functions, new support for mental ray shader control, and functions for creating dialog-level browsers.

Support for SGI O2, SGI Octane and Windows NT® 4.0

Version 3.7 now takes full advantage of the new system architectures from Silicon Graphics and Microsoft®, increasing system speed and responsiveness.

NURBS surface blending

Surface blending is very important when making animated nonuniform rational B-spline (NURBS) characters. Surface blending creates a new surface between two surfaces, such as an arm and body, to provide a completely seamless character.


Games-related Enhancements

New development environments for Sega Saturn, SONY PlayStation, Nintendo 64 and DirectXTM.

PlayStation polygon attribute editors provide greater control over the on-target platform, allowing games developers to predetermine model attributes while still working with Softimage 3D.

Greater on-target downloadable viewing support for Sega Saturn, Nintendo 64, and SONY PlayStation translates into considerable time savings for developers.

Colour at vertices support a new kind of material has been created that allows colours on polygons to be interpolated by using vertex colour information. Colour at vertices is fully supported in the shade view, the interactive 3d paint, and in both Softimage and mental ray renderers. Saaphire control and support for SEGA Saturn and Sony PlayStation games tools is also available. It's a new rendering technique that can be used to achieve exciting special effects, both in Softimage and on target consoles. Colour at vertex information for a model can be generated directly from Softimage lights using the "GenerateVertexColours" tool.

Hierarchy and animation filtering

Hierarchy filtering helps to ensure that Softimage 3D provides the most efficient hierarchy possible for a target game platform and lets users specify which models will be part of the resulting hierarchy.

Animation filtering lets users control how to preserve animation data. It is a data compression technique that can be crucial during the development of animation for games.

Enhanced UV editing

UV editing allows the artist to manipulate and tune his or her textures with extremely high accuracy. In v.3.7, UV coordinates can be tagged as groups and interactively rotated, scaled, and translated. Modifiable transformation centers are supported in the UV editor for tagged UV groups.

Texture pre-lighting

The "GenerateLightMap" tool allows you to blend the scene illumination into a texture map, using ray-tracing rendering techniques. The result is a high-quality texture that contains the light information. This technique can be used to pre-render lights in textures for real-time applications. 


Hardware Requirements

Minimum hardware requirements are taken from the results of compatibility and performance tests using the software on various hardware configurations. The requirements evolution is affected by technological enhancements and new features added to the software. While planning for new features, enhancements or new versions, trends in the market and technical solutions are also evaluated. This is done to make sure a minimum hardware configuration will always be adequate to run the application correctly, yet allow more users to take full advantage of their hardware.

Minimum Platform Configuration for Softimage 3D v3.51

  • Silicon Graphics Workstation
  • Operating system: IRIX version 5.2 or later
  • Memory: 64 Megabytes of RAM
  • Disk space: 1.2 Gigabyte hard drive
  • Swap space: 200 Megabytes

Installation: from CD-ROM drive

Windows NT Workstation (Minimum requirements to run the full spectrum of Softimage 3D for Windows NT v3.51, including the base package, Extreme and Extreme Effects configurations)

  • Workstation with Intel Pentium Pro, Digital Alpha, or MIPS R4400 processor
  • Operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 with Service Pack 4 or higher Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
  • Memory: 64 Megabytes of RAM
  • Disk space: 1 Gigabytes hard disk
  • Swap space: 200 Megabytes swap file
  • Graphic hardware: OpenGL certified graphic card

Installation: from CD-ROM drive

Only OpenGL graphic cards that are certified by the Softimage DRG Group should be used to ensure flawless operation. The DRG Group is constantly working on getting more OpenGL graphic cards certified. Check this page often. Note: Alternative configurations, including some with more powerful processors and enhanced OpenGL capabilities, are available from each manufacturer. Please check directly with your hardware vendor or with your Softimage reseller for more information regarding alternate configurations.


Rendered with SoftImageUnlimited creative options

No other 3-D animation software offers a deeper, more evolved set of modeling, animation and rendering tools. While other packages are just beginning to offer advanced features like inverse kinematics, photorealistic rendering and particles, Softimage has been perfecting and extending these features for several product generations. This means customers can take advantage of a rich set of features proven to work in the most demanding production situations. In fact, for the last decade, more great ideas have taken flight with Softimage 3D than any other animation software.

The new Softimage Software Developers Kit (SDK) provides direct access to the powerful modeling, animation, and rendering engines of Softimage 3D.

Create your own 3D effects, import/export utilities, motion capture interfaces, or custom shaders and rendering effects. Or choose from a variety of powerful plug-ins and utilities developed for Softimage 3D by independent software vendors using the Softimage SDK.


Intuitive interface designed by animators

Animators repeatedly use the same words to describe the experience of using Softimage 3D: "It works the way you think." Softimage 3D is like a natural extension of the imagination, because everything you need is right where you would expect it to be. The tools you use most often are always visible and key functions are just a mouse click or two away. The workspace is large and open, delivering constant feedback as you work.

With the new Scene Manager spreadsheet, you can store a scene with thousands of elements, search any combination of 500 variables, and select, hide, or edit in large groups instead of individually. These features make Softimage 3D the artist's choice for creating and producing animation.

The intuitive nature of the tools means you can make decisions quickly and work faster with fewer hitches. And that means more time to try new ideas - more time to experiment in creating the characters and environments that you envision. When software works the way you think, the technology becomes transparent and you can focus on the pure challenge of making your ideas take flight.

A complete solution Softimage 3D is a complete modeling, animation, and rendering system with unparalleled depth and detail. No other animation program gives you so many ways to bring ideas to life, and with the output quality and fast throughput you demand. With Softimage 3D, all of the tools you need to pull, squash, bend, and twist any object in any way you can think of and maybe a few that never crossed your mind - are included in the software. And the Softimage mental ray renderer gives you the power to bring those characters and environments to life with unparalleled quality and photorealism. With Softimage 3D, you call all the shots.



Get a jump-start on your production with hundreds of ready-to-use shader presets, motion capture files, and particle effects. Access a desired effect instantly by simply plugging it directly into your scene.

Tweak effects for custom results or use the Softimage SDK toolkit to develop your own custom libraries.

Animated flipbooks allow you to quickly view an effect in action to determine how it can be used in a scene.

Effects libraries are updated continually through Softimage Service Packs and on the Softimage WorldWide Web site.

Last updated 04-dec-1998