The parallel projection window which is not shown by default (unlike Top, Front, and Right) is the Ortho (orthographic) window.
As described in Top, Front, and Right Windows, an object's projection lines do not converge in a parallel projection window. However, unlike the Top, Front, or Right windows, in the Ortho window the orientation of the camera is not limited to be perpendicular to the global coordinate planes (xy, xz, yz). You can orbit the camera to look at the scene from any angle while maintaining its parallel projection nature.
The Ortho Window title bar contains three options: X, Y, and Z.
For the other standard title bar options available, see Window Title Bar Options.
Only wireframe objects are visible in the Ortho window. There are no other view modes available, such as shade, ghost, depthcue, etc.
Selecting one of these options orients the camera along that particular axis (X, Y, or Z) of the selected object in the scene. For example, if you select X, the camera is oriented along the local x-axis of the selected object, making the camera face the yz plane of the object. Viewing an object's particular plane "head on" may, for example, help you to create a model more accurately, especially if you are doing polygonal modelling.
You can render in this window except when using the SOFTIMAGE renderer.
Last updated 03-apr-1998