Selecting a menu cell command often displays a dialogue box. A dialogue box is an important tool for interacting with SOFTIMAGE 3D because it contains the various parameters needed to perform an operation. Parameters are grouped, categorized, and coded, and are identified by several kinds of visual elements, described in this section.
A dialogue box can be moved around on your screen by clicking on its black title bar and dragging it to a new location.
A dialogue box that has a double border indicates that it is an interactive dialogue box. As you make changes in the dialogue box, the scene is updated to reflect these changes - you don't have to close the dialogue box first. This allows you to try different values before accepting the final ones. If the double-bordered dialogue box contains a Key button, it means that it is interactive with the time line and the playback box.
A text box is usually located beside a parameter name. It lets you change the values for that particular parameter by typing in either text or numerical values.
To enter information, move the mouse cursor inside the appropriate box. The mouse buttons are configured so that clicking allows you to insert characters at the cursor location. You can use the Left and Right arrow keys on the keyboard to move the cursor to the appropriate place in the text box.
There are several methods for changing the contents of a text box:
Text boxes come in different sizes and may have arrows at the ends to allow you to enter long text strings (such as an element name). If the text box contains more characters than it can display, it automatically scrolls in response to the position of the cursor.
If a text box has a double border, it means that its values can be keyed.
You can move from one text box to the next one in the same dialogue box by pressing either the Tab or Enter key. To move back to the previous text box, press the Shift-Tab key combination. When you have reached the last text box in the dialogue box, pressing the Enter key activates the command button with a double border (usually the Ok button).
All text boxes
with numbers allow you to use the four basic math operations (addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division). To use this feature, click the cursor at the end of the
number in the text box, enter the symbol for the math operator (
+ - * /
), and
then enter the next number to result in something like this: 50+25
. You can
use only one math operator per text box.
If the number is long, it may not be completely visible in the text box. Scroll to see the end of the number before you place the mouse cursor in the text box.
Mutually exclusive options are options that cannot be performed together since selecting one disables the others. These options are represented by a radio button associated with the option name.
The black dot in the middle of the circle indicates that the option is selected. To select or deselect an option, click it with any mouse button.
Independent options are options that can work either by themselves or together with the other options in the group. They are identified by a small check box associated with the option name.
An X in the box indicates that the option is active. To select or deselect the option, click it with any mouse button.
If a check box has a double border, it means that its values can be keyed.
A dialogue box always contains command buttons. In general, these activate or cancel an operation. For example, "Cancel" ignores all the changes made since the dialogue box was opened or since the last "key" was performed (in interactive dialogue boxes) and exits the dialogue box; "Ok" confirms all changes and activates them before exiting the dialogue box. There may be other command buttons in a dialogue box, which are described for that particular dialogue box.
You can press the Esc key to activate the Cancel or Exit buttons in all dialogue boxes. When you have reached the last text box in the dialogue box, pressing the Enter key activates the command button with a double border. The button with a double border is usually the Ok button, but check before you press Enter.
A slider is a handy tool that is found in many dialogue boxes. It allows you to enter values in different ways and shows you the standard range of the parameter. The slider is a long box composed of three sections that correspond to three different ways of entering values.
The text box on the left displays the current value of the parameter. The value can be modified in these ways:
A dialogue box may also contain a scroll box, which displays information (such as file names or coordinates) in a list.
You can scroll through the list by clicking the scroll bar and arrows on the right side. To select a name from the list, click it. It is then highlighted in black. Double-clicking an item sometimes opens another dialogue box. In some cases, pressing the Shift key on the keyboard before clicking allows you to select more than one item from the list.
The browser is a type of dialogue box used specifically to read or save files. It includes a scroll box and four command buttons.
The current database and chapter name is displayed above the text box. You can move out of other chapters or databases by double-clicking the two dots (..) - this moves you to the next highest level. The current database and chapter name is updated, and the chapters or files it contains are listed. You can then double-click on the chapter or file you want.
For information about databases, chapters, and files, see the Managing Files section of the Working with SOFTIMAGE 3D User's Guide.
Above the scroll box, you can enter the path or name of the file directly into the text box. You can also type path shortcuts to access outside databases. The text box supports direct input.
For more information, see Using Quick Access Entries of the Working with SOFTIMAGE 3D User's Guide.
The scroll box displays the list of chapters or files in the current database. To quickly access various directories, you can click on quick access entries to jump from one directory to another without scrolling or typing path names.
For more information, see Using Quick Access Entries of the Working with SOFTIMAGE 3D User's Guide.
If the list cannot be fully displayed at once, you can move within the list with the scroll bar and arrows located on the right of the scroll box.
Use any mouse button and click the top or bottom scroll arrow to move the list one item up or down. The grey slider between the arrows shows which part of the list page is being displayed. Drag the slider in the scroll bar up and down to move in the page. Clicking above the slider moves the list one page up; clicking below it moves the list one page down.
The Options button displays a dialogue box that contains a set of sorting options to view your files in a different order, an information display option, and a Use Icons option.
When the Use Icons option is selected, each file is displayed with an icon and the file name. You can load a file by double-clicking the icon (or file name), or by selecting it and then clicking the Load button.
For more information, see Options.
The Search button displays a dialogue box that contains a set of options used to help you find files.
For more information, see Search.
Last updated 03-apr-1998