Select Inner Curve/Outer Curve


The Skin->Select Inner Curve/Outer Curve commands in the Actor module allow you to assign a curve you create to the selected joint as the deformation curve.

Simply draw an open curve (with no loops) in the xy plane, then assign it to the selected joint or chain.

These commands work only on flexible envelopes and skeleton chains or joints; you cannot use them when working with rigid envelopes or objects used in skeletons.

The curve must be a valid xy function: a value for x can have only one value for y.



  1. Select a joint.
  2. Choose the Skin->Select Inner Curve or Outer Curve command.
  3. Pick the curve with the left mouse button to assign the curve, or use the middle mouse button to unassign the curve.

The envelope deforms on the selected curve to the shape of the curve. You can now modify along this custom deformation using the Skin->Inner Side/Outer Side commands.


Last updated 02-apr-1998