Reset Actor


The Skeleton->Reset Actor command in the Actor module returns the skeleton (and its envelope, if any) to its initial position.


The initial position is saved as soon as a skeleton is created, whether or not you have assigned an envelope yet.

For example, say you create a chain of two joints with the "knee" bent at a 45-degree angle chain: if you then group this chain as a skeleton and alter that angle to 90 degrees, Skeleton->Reset Actor returns the actor to the original 45-degree angle.

For information on creating skeletons, see the Defining a Skeleton section of the Modelling User's Guide.


It helps to reset the actor before doing a manual reassignment of envelope vertices. For an explanation, see the Reassign Manually section.



  1. If you select the envelope, the entire actor is reset.
  2. If there is a global envelope, you can reset individual skeleton branches if you wish. To do this, select the skeleton branch in branch selection mode.
  3. Choose the Skeleton->Reset Actor command.

The skeleton (and any associated envelope) immediately returns to its initial position.


Last updated 02-apr-1998