Move Joint


After creating a chain, you can edit its look and shape, using the Skeleton->Pick Joint By Mouse/Pick Joint by Name commands in the Actor module.

You can translate a selected joint (except the first joint of a chain the local x-axis of its parent or in free translation. This operation never moves the chain root.

You can use this technique to:


The Skeleton->Move Joint command is affected by the grid lock.



  1. Select the entire chain.
  2. Choose the Skeleton->Move Joint command and either Pick Joint By Mouse or Pick Joint by Name.
  3. If you choose Pick by Mouse, click on the joint you wish to move. If you choose Pick by Name, the Joint List dialogue box is displayed, from which you can choose the joint or effector to move.
  4. Your selection is highlighted in red in the window.
  5. Follow the status bar instructions:

If you try to move the first joint, a message is displayed:
"Don't move the first joint."

The next time you move the joint, the envelope may be deformed in unexpected ways. In this case, choose Skin->Reassign Automatically to reassign vertices.


Last updated 02-apr-1998