Group as Skeleton


The Skeleton->Group as Skeleton command in the Actor module allows you to designate any combination of objects and/or articulated chains as a skeleton before you assign an envelope.

If you make a mistake in the grouping, or wish to remove the skeleton designation later, you can use the same command.

For information about skeletons, the purpose and result of grouping into skeletons, see the Skeletons section of the Modelling User's Guide.



  1. Create a hierarchy of chains and/or objects to define as a skeleton.
  2. Select the hierarchy.
  3. If you have an envelope, you can assign it now; see the Assigning an Envelope section of the Modelling User's Guide.
  4. If you do not want to assign an envelope yet, simply choose Skeleton->Group as Skeleton and follow the status line instructions.


Last updated 02-apr-1998