Draw 3D Chain |
The Skeleton->Draw 3D Chain in the Actor module allows you to draw a three-dimensional articulated/kinematic chain, which consists of ball joints that can be rotated on any axis and moved on any plane. There is no limit to the number of joints that can be included in a chain.
A 3D articulated chain is created in the local xy plane of the first joint, but it rotates in all three axes and can be moved in any plane. You can manipulate any chain successfully in 3D using constraints. For more information, see the Constraints section of the Animating User's Guide.
The way you create a chain defines its "preferred" angles. If you select the effector and drag it down, you will see the chain straighten out. Drag the effector up again to return to this angle.
For more information on chains, see the Skeletons section of the Modelling User's Guide.
The procedure for drawing 3D chains is the same as that for drawing 2D chains (see Skeleton->Draw 2D Chain).
Last updated 02-apr-1998