If you're interested in the exploding Computer Games
market, they have plenty of room for good animators. In my former life, I helped screen
hundreds of demo reels for a game company called Origin, so here are some suggestions for
what an Art Director might be looking for in your demo.
Not in order of priority: (Oh, yeah--it doesn't hurt to show non-computer
art, too, if you've got something worth showing. You will be required to draw with a
pencil once in awhile)
- Evidence of original design abilities--include conceptual sketches and
storyboards, as well as the finished piece, to illustrate the design process on at least
one of your samples. (No copies of the USS Enterprise or X-Wing fighters, please!)
- Visual story-telling ability
- Modeling strengths: Complex objects, both organic (monsters, people) and
inorganic (space hardware, architecture)
- Texture mapping and attention to detail: scanned texture maps can be very
cool, but make sure you show your ability to make-do from scratch, using anything like
Fractal Painter, Animator Pro, etc.
- Realistic Set Design: build a complete environment where architecture,
accoutrements, and effective lighting allow the viewer to imagine him or herself inside
the space.
- Wow Factor: There should be one or two pieces that really stand out in their
originality, execution and artistic composition.
- Craftsmanship: Not all pieces need to be ready-to-broadcast or print quality,
but an example of one highly-polished project will greatly help in demonstrating your
ability to produce "finished" artwork.
- Animation ability: human figures performing a simple, natural and fluid
action are extremely desirable. Choose an action that would NOT be found in Muybridges
"Humans and Animals in Motion." Now, if you really want to impress, think
"Jackie Chan."
- Resume: organize it so it's easy to scan at a glance. They're more interested
in what's so special about you than in what schools you've attended. If you have extensive
technical experience, stress that. If it's artistic experience, stress that.
- Important - Along with your demo reel, enclose a sheet that describes what is
contained in your reel.
With what application is each piece done?
Was it a group project?
Did you build the mesh yourself, or use a commercially available one?
How much time did each one take to complete?
This is INVALUABLE information to them.
Disclaimer: These are the personal views
of Beverly Garland. These are not the views of Titanic Entertainment. This text has no
relationship with how Titanic Entertainment as a company, anyone who works there, or
anyone else for that matter, feels about this particular topic.
About the Author:
Beverly Garland is currently an Art Director at Titanic
Entertainment. She was formerly employed at Origin, as a 3D Artist/Animator for almost
three years ("Privateer," "Ultima VIII"), and an Art Director
("Crusader: No Remorse") for another two years.